Anna Autio “Külaelanike lood” /Anna Autio Villagers’ Stories

18 Apr

Reedel, 22. aprillil kell 18.00 avatakse MÄRZ projektiruumis Soome fotograafi Anna Autio näitus “Külaelanike lood”.

Kevadel 2010 rändas Soome fotograaf Anna Autio Kambodžas. Euroopa-Aasia sildade vabatahtliku projekti raames valmis ka siinne fotoseeria “Külaelanike lood”. Kaheteistkümnel portreel hargnevad lahti Vietnami piiri ääres Svay Riengi provintsis elavate naiste lood.

“Mind huvitavad inimese ja ruumi suhted, millesse keegi usub, milline on ta positsioon. Tegelen inimestega, kes elavad mingis mõttes äärealadel, üksinduses või on muul moel nähtamatud. Mu pildid jutustavad võõrandatusest, teisesusest, kuid ka mitmekesisusest. Reis Kambodžasse avardas mu arusaama elu kontrastsusest. Mis on inimeseks olemises olemuslik? Teistsuguste eluviisidega kohtumine mõjutab meie endi enesetaju. Maakohtades pälvis mu põhjamaiselt heledanahaline valiums eriti tähelepanu, kohalikud tulid katsuma, kas ma olen päris. Nende jaoks olin ma kummaline, teiselt poolt maakera pärit olend – kes olid nemad minu jaoks?

Mu fotodel peegeldub nii argipäev kui elu püham pool. Tahaksin näidata nii elu helgemat kui varjukülge. Maailm on täis ebaõiglust ja valikuvõimalusi on tegelikult vähestel. Ebaõiglus ei ole neile ratsionaalselt põhjendatav, seetõttu loodetakse jumalatele. Sageli on see kõik, mis inimesel on.

Minnes füüsiliselt kaugele, jõuab endale lähemale. Võõras keskkonnas tulevad esile erinevused, hakkad otsima selgitusi asjadele, mis tavapärases argipäevas tundusid selged ja enesestmõistetavad. Mu fotodel kajastubki uurimisteekond ja võimalikud vastused.”

Autor tänab rahvusvahelise vabatahtliku teenistuse ja Euroopa- Aasia koostööorganisatsiooni MTÜ ESTYES ning programmi Youth in Action, mille projekti “Sustainable development in cultural diversity: Europe-Asia Bridge for Youth Empowerment” raames näitus valmis.

Näitus jääb avatuks 23. -28. aprillini, T-P kell 13-18.


On Friday, April 22nd, 6pm an exhibition Villagers’ Stories by Finnish photographer Anna Autio will be opened in MÄRZ projektiruum.

Finnish photographer Anna Autio travelled to Cambodia in the spring of 2010. While she collected material to “Europe-Asia Bridge”-project voluntarily, series of photographs of “Villagers`Stories” was made. This photo series contains 12 portraits and stories of women living in village in Svay Rieng province near Vietnam border.

“My portraits are people in a physical and a mental state. Compositions between a person and a space, also a belief and a position of a person are in my interests. I draw my attention frequently in people who are living in the margins, in the solitary and are invisible. My pictures tell about unfamiliarity, otherness, but also diversity. My works are often serial. I always try to present an aesthetic point of view a diversity and uniqueness of a human being.

The trip was an opportunity to gain an understanding of life’s contrasts. What is essential in life and the human condition? How should one live? The way in which we all differ makes meeting new people a continuously enriching process that affects our own sense of self. My light-skinned Nordic appearance incited curiosity, especially in the countryside. Locals would come up and pinch me to see if I were real. To them, I was a peculiar sight from the other side of the world. So how did I see them?

My images reflect both an everyday life and a sacred side. I would like to show the brightness, but also the shadows of life. The world is full of injustice, and that is why I wonder how so few people can make choices and have the opportunities to eventually change their circumstances. Injustice is neither rational nor explainable to whom who have to stand it. Therefore, many rely on the gods. Often it is the only and the last hope that an individual has.

I have traveled far to get close. Differences are emphasized in a foreign environment and are searching for an explanation. In my every day life the explanations are obvious and ready. I do not want to believe on anything without my own, more detailed observations. I will continue the search for the explanations and to present my findings in my photos.

I want to express my gratitude to MTÜ ESTYES, organization developing human cooperation between Estonia, Europe and Asia and Youth in Action Program project Sustainable development in cultural diversity: Europe-Asia Bridge for  Youth Empowerment with whose support this exhibition became possible.”

The exhibition will remain open April 23rd-28th, Tue-Sun, 1-6pm.

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